the altar cross ready for storage
The Altar cross is ready for storage.
Renovation Update
Today, Monday, May 4, is the day our movers, Columbine Moving & Storage of Eagle, begin the packing and moving of all remaining items in our beloved church. This includes:
the worship items to be used routinely during our "pilgrim time" and are to be stored locally, and
those items to be stored away in Eagle throughout our renovation.
The Renovation Committee thanks all of those who have worked so diligently and hard to sort, pack, and throw out "stuff" to get us ready for the movers. A special shout out to Patrick McWilliams, our Generalissimo of the Transition, for guiding this process and keeping on schedule in order to have everything in readiness for the movers! Thanks to all!
Now that the church will be empty, we are ready for the asbestos mitigation to begin in the nave on May 11. This must be completed and signed off on before we can be issued a building permit from the Town of Breckenridge.
Our architect's design team has been working with our various subcommittees to drill down on final details. The design team has also been working with the Breckenridge Planning Department to to prepare for the combined hearing with the Planning Commission on May 19. This will be our final hurdle with the Town prior to being able to pursue obtaining our building permit and subsequently starting construction in late June.
And, of course, we give thanks to Wally Ducayet who has been working closely and tirelessly with the Episcopal Church in Colorado and the local bank!
Stay tuned for ongoing updates! As always, thanks to all for your support!
Stu Read, Chair
Renovation Committee