A tight fit for the equipment between building and fencing

A tight fit for the equipment between building and fencing


From Stu Read, Renovation committee chair

Nate Finnerty has provided a brief update as to what to expect in the next couple of weeks as construction continues. Nate and his crew plan to place steel support beams under the historic church which will enable the "Big Dig" to commence on the west side. 

The inside of the church has been basically stripped bare to lighten the load of the building. As they are digging on the west side, his crew will be preparing the shoring of the east side for future excavation from this side. 

They also plan to remove the bell tower and the upper windows on the front of the church. 

Reminder:  this a restricted construction area. Only authorized personnel allowed on site. The TOB now requires a COVID-19 safety plan from all construction sites. This plan restricts all unauthorized visitors. Please respect these restrictions.

A reminder from Wally:  he will accept any early pledge payments as this will allow us to use more of our money and less borrowing down the line. Thanks for your continued generosity and prayers as we move forward!