St. John’s Community Ministries

St. John’s ministry in the community focuses on serving those who struggle to live, work, and raise their families in a high cost resort community. We do this through our food ministries:

We also participate in the Summit Colorado Interfaith Council which is a coalition of faith based and service organizations dedicated to fostering conversation and inspiring action to address issues requiring a response to human needs.

For information these and other activities please contact the Parish Administrator.

St. John’s is a Jubilee Ministry!

Jubilee Ministries are those that have committed themselves to “be a ministry of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people, wherever they are found, to meet basic human needs, and to build a just society.”

The Jubilee Outreach Committee’s 2024 budget was $30,000. The committee’s giving supports food insecurity, mental health, housing, disaster relief, and black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC.) They researched and donated to the following organizations: